Impact is here!

IN-Person Service Today at 11am
Join us at 184 Broad Street, Providence



2 Million Dollar Miracle: Help Us Secure a
Temporary Gathering Location & Build a Permanent Community Center

Pray for us while we navigate through this church fire crisis.
Donate Here or Email Your Check to P.O.Box 2172, Providence RI 02905.

Kids Ministry is available
at 11am Service 

Plan to Join us for Church
In-Person at 11am  on Sunday Location is almost CONFIRMED.

Impact Kids Ministry 

Sundays at 11am

Latest Sermon Series

Growing Deeper Roots in our relationship with
Christ, each other, and leadership skills 


Impact Center Providence  is a  church community of Impact Makers and we exist to bring wholistic transformation to people and communities through Christ. This is a place where people can have authentic encounters with Christ,  grow in community,  discover their gifts and be activated to make impact for God's glory.  Everyone is welcome!
Join us for Sunday service in person or online.

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